
Why Science Ends ?

Scientia otiosa : No more place for discoveries...
by Dr Dan Waniek, MD
Copyright © 2006 danwaniek.org

On News and Views about the imminent publication of the "second-order genetic code" :

If confirmed, this discovery could help explain higher-order functions of the genes, such as how each type of cell is able to activate only the genes it needs and not those used by other types of cells.

We only discover what we are ready to understand. We leave the rest ( which is where real discoveries are expected ) to fools and to genii, to serendipity and ultimately, to God. Since there is no place for God in science, not any more, and by our own will, well, expect no place for science, too. Scientia otiosa Ironically, modern science was based in the Renaissance belief that we could "return" to the sapientia veteribus bypassing God. Roger Bacon himself, a monk, thought we could observe without being inspired...